We know coal, and we know carbon abatement
Established in 2022, Carbon Logica is a collaboration between LMS Energy and Xcoal Group.
Together, we have experience in over 100 carbon projects and are one of Australia’s most experienced developers and operators of power generation using waste coal mine gas, and the largest supplier of Australian Carbon Credits.
Our team members have experience in Waste Coal Mine Gas power generation, having developed and operated the Grosvenor, Moranbah North, Grasstree, Appin and Oaky North power stations.
As Australia’s largest carbon emissions reducer under the Emissions Reduction Fund, LMS produces over 15% of the Australian Carbon Credit Units through its methane abatement projects.
Xcoal has extensive operational management experience across underground mines in Queensland where their technical expertise is used to develop carbon abatement solutions for both VAM and GOAF capture systems.